Faculty of Geomatics


Considering the national needs in technical sciences, particularly geomatics, and aligning with the strategic plans of Jawzjan University and the Ministry of Higher Education, the Faculty of Geomatics was officially established in 2023. This faculty emerged from the separation of the engineering geodesy field from the Faculty of Geology and Mines, becoming an independent entity under the name "Faculty of Geomatics" and commencing its academic activities in 2023. As the second geomatics faculty in the country, it maintains a strong relationship with industry while providing top-tier education for bachelor's level experts. Additionally, based on the recommendations from faculty professors and the leadership of Jawzjan University, Assistant Professor Sohrab Ahadi was appointed as the head of the Geomatics Faculty by decree number (2322) dated 08/27/1402. For more information about Faculty of Geomatics, please click here.