Jawzjan University

As a prestigious educational institution in our beloved country Afghanistan, Jawzjan University is committed to provide quality; educational, scientific and research services and to continuously train young professional staff in various vital-economic disciplines in a high spirited and patriotic manner.

Message of Mufti Sayed Anwarulhaq Habibi, Chancellor of Jawzjan University

1 year 1 month ago


It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Jawzjan University. This educational institution is one of the leading academic institutions of the country and the region, and is committed to educating a knowledgeable generation who can play a significant role in the economic revolution and progress of the country. This educational institution always continues its way with steady steps. Certainly, the educated generation is the follower of knowledge and civilization, and Almighty Allah has also given the good news of great degrees to those who have knowledge.

I totally believe that in order to achieve greater success, sincere efforts of sharing in the field of education and in the distribution of science and training of educated generations and emphasis on methods based on innovation will result in huge achievements. Therefore, the leadership board of Jawzjan University, with understanding of all the objective facts and responsibility, based on the rules and regulations of the country and the honorable Ministry of Higher Education, tries in implementing educational and research development programs to achieve the great national and Islamic goals. Jawzjan University tries in this direction, until the growth of the quality of teaching, the development and strengthening of services, as well as the development of structures and infrastructures and the provision of better facilities in the university are taking effective and serious steps.  And this institution functions as an inseparable part of the caravan of knowledge and civilization. To make a positive and valuable impact on the growth and advancement of the country, the region and the world through extensive scientific and innovative educational programs and research.


Mufti Sayed Anwarulhaq Habibi, Chancellor of Jawzjan University

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پوهنتون جوزجان

پوهنتون جوزجان

پوهنتون جوزجان

Jawzjan University Development Plan

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Thu, Jan 04 2024 2:12 PM
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اعلان بست های کادر علمی پوهنتون جوزجان

پوهنتون جوزجان برای  تکمیل بست های کادری خویش در سال 1445هـ ق در رشته های ذیل به سویه دوکتور، ماستر و در نهایت لیسانس به کادر های علمی جدید ضرورت دارد.

پوهنحی انجنیری جیوماتیک:

-  دیپ . . .

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Sat, Jun 04 2022 11:48 AM
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گرامیداشت از روز جهانی کتاب ، نمایشگاه کتاب در پوهنتون جوزجان برگزار گردید

ضمن گرامیداشت از روز جهانی کتاب ، نمایشگاه کتاب در پوهنتون جوزجان برگزار گردید.

۱۴۰۱/۳/۹ مصادف با ۱۴۴۳/۱۰/۲۹

بمناسبت افتتاح نمایشگاه یک روزه کتاب که به ابتکار مرکز انسجام امور محصلان. . .

Sat, Jun 04 2022 11:13 AM
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مورخ ۲۷حمل ۱۴۰۱ اولین جلسه شورای علمی پوهنتون جوزجان

مورخ ۲۷حمل ۱۴۰۱ اولین جلسه شورای علمی پوهنتون جوزجان تحت ریاست محترم پوهنیار حیات الله حقجو رئیس پوهنتون جوزجان در سالون کنفرانس این نهاد تحصیلی برگزار شد. درین جلسه که محترم داکتر عتیق. . .

Sat, Apr 09 2022 11:43 AM
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رئیس جدیدالتقرر و معاون و مالی و اداری پوهنتون جوزجان معرفی و به کار آغاز نمودند.

 محترم پوهنیار حیات الله حقجو به حیث رئیس پوهنتون جوزجان و محترم داکتر عتیق الله نبی زاده نماینده فوق‌العاده وزارت تحصیلات و معاون مالی و اداری در پوهنتون جوزجان رسمآ تعيين گردیدند.

الی. . .